FRUTAS Y CEREALES (Fruits & Cereals)
Fruta Fresca
Servida con yogurt, granola, queso cottage, salsa de chocolate o de fruta
(fresh fruit served with yogurt, granola, cottage cheese, chocolate or fruit sauce)
Q 38.00
Q 30.00
Q 21.00
Q 34.00
Cereales Calientes
Q 14.00
DE LA PLANCHA (From the Grill)
Q 21.00
Q 21.00
Q 15.00
Cualquiera de estas opciones puede preparase con arándanos, masa blanca o integral y se acompañan con mantequilla, miel de abejas, maple ó salchicha de desayuno.
(Any of these options can be prepared with blueberries, white or whole meal dough and are served with butter, honey, maple syrup or breakfast sausage.)
DESAYUNOS COMPLETOS (Complete Breakfast)
(fried “ranchero” eggs served over fresh tortillas, layered cheese, refried plantain, refried black beans or from the pot, hard cheese and cream).
Q 41.00
(fried eggs served in a pan with onion, tomato and Worcestershire sauce)
Q 34.00
Su elección entre jamón, tomate, cebolla, espárragos, chile pimiento, champiñones, papa y quesos surtidos – salsa ranchera o de miltomate – servida con hashbrown
(your choice between ham, tomato, onion, asparagus, red peppers, mushrooms, potato and assorted cheeses – ranchero or tomatillo sauce – served with hashbrown)
Q 47.00
(hashbrown, caramel onions, Monterrey Jack cheese and bacon quesadillas served over two fried or scrambled eggs, tomato relish, purple onion, jalapeno and avocado).
Q 43.00
(submarine - two eggs served over buttered loafs of bread and smothered with goat cheese sauce and chipotle chili).
Q 34.00
Todas las opciones se sirven con panadería de la casa, jugo de frutas natural, mantequilla, mermelada, chiltepe, café o té.
All options are served with homemade pastries, natural fruit juice, butter, marmalade, chili, coffee or tea.
DE NUESTRA COCINA (From our Kitchen)
Su elección entre queso, chicharrón o frijoles – servida con curtido y salsa de tomate.
(your choice between cheese, crackling or black beans – served with pickled cabbage and tomato sauce).
Q 17.00
ORDENES SUELTAS (Individual Orders)
Q 9.00
Q 9.00
Q 9.00
Q 9.00
Q 9.00
Q 3.00
BEBIDAS (Beverages)
Q 11.00
Q 17.00
Q 10.00
Q 10.00
Q 10.00
Q 17.00
Q 17.00
Q 13.00
Q 21.00
Q 9.00
Q 12.00
- A estos precios se les agregará 10% por Servicio. -
- 10% Service Charge will be added. -
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